Fleece Quillo

Step 1:  Purchase double sided fleece fabric (it doesn’t have to be doubled sided but I think it looks best when it doesn’t have a wrong side to it).  Have them cut 2 yards and then a separate piece of the same fabric cut to 5/8th a yard.

Step 2: Cut off all raw edges and make sure that the edges look straight.

Step 3: We are going to start off first by making the pillow.  Take the 5/8 piece of fabric and fold it over about 3 inches that way the edge of your pillow won’t have a raw edge.  Then fold your fabric over so that it is 22”.  Pin the sides that aren’t on the fold and sew it so that it is 18” wide.  Now they don’t have to be this size, you can make it any size that you like but I thought this was a good size for a pillow.  You just need to do straight stitches on the sides.  Now your pillow is finished and we just need to attach it to the blanket.  

Step 4:  With the extra flap that you have on your pillow you want to find the center spot and mark it with a pin and also find the center spot on your blanket and also mark it with a pin.  

Step 5: Find out how long that you would like your ties to be.  I liked them about 5” long and 1” wide but it’s whatever you prefer.  

Step 6:  Once you have decided how long you want your ties to be on the blanket than you will pin the blanket and the pillow together at the center points and also make sure that where the end of the tie is going to be, that it is where the edge of the pillow is.

Step 7:  Next you will take the 2 pieces of fabric that are just below your pillow you will want to sew a straight line so that your pillow and blanket are attached.

Step 8:  Now that it is sewn together the fabric closest to the pillow you will want to cut that down to a ½” long and the 2nd piece of fabric you will want that to be an 1” long.  Fold the longer piece over the shorter piece and then fold once more.  Then you will want to sew right next to the edge of the fabric.  This will finish off that edge.

Step 9:  Lastly you will go around your blanket and cut your ties to your desired length and width.  And then tie a single not at the base of the tie.
These blankets are great for road trips, trips to the park, or just in your blanket closet.

Contributed by: Tamie

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